How To Use Honey | Top Honey Benefits

Honey is a very useful medicine and diet. What is suspected of being the chemical health of life and life now? When the Qur'an says self-knowledge in the relevant verses. 

That is, there is healing for people in it.

Honey is a Naqvi diet.

Gives strength to the heart and mind and stomach and liver. Its use brings a lot of benefit.

Strength gives strength to masculinity.

Removes common physical weakness and makes it powerful and energetic.

Its rank in the enhancement of male strength is somehow no lower than that of an egg. For female reproduction, if it is used with milk, it is very useful, but very powerful, and it nourishes all the body in a very kind way. It turns out to be very productive. Cleanses the blood but also increases the amount of blood. It contains all those necessary ingredients. Which is necessary for us.

Honey is much more useful for phlegmatic and happy cough. Its use is often unhelpful for hot-tempered people. For male weakness, mixing with honey, eggs, carrots and onions, etc. has an immensely powerful and energizing effect.

The honey lattice is excellent. Burns are applied to the eyes for visor. 

The drug is used in it to preserve it. It is used in honey to extend the life of any object. Rather, honey is added to it. It is used quite often to make their taste pleasant. 

It is used in jam and other things. The taste of things prepared in honey Nations is much more useful. This makes the power period of the medication last. Honey is slightly constipated. Eating it in small quantities after meals helps digest food. Also improves digestion.

Most chest diseases, such as coughing, are useful for the brain. This is how Gynecologists describe a strange property of honey in light of modern scientific investigations. If the honey pot in a bowl is placed near the patient's nose in such a way, that what happens in his nose touches the surface of the honey. So in this way, the patient moves away from the narrowing of the Zayd al-nufas, the narrowing of the self, and begins to breathe deeper than rest.

Tangerine Benefits | Introduction To Tangerine

Famous is fruit. Weighs range from one hundred grams to two hundred grams. Sometimes it weighs even more.

Its color is raw vegetable and ripe, reddish-yellow and peeled and lubricated. Its fins are brewed in this way with a peel. Just like Oranges.


The taste has a sour-tilted sweetness.

The Tangerine Tree is medium-sized. Neither too high nor too small. His height is usually seven upright feet. Its leaves resemble lemon leaves. Its flowers are very fragrant white in color. It's a lot of heart boost.


Place of Birth:

It is cultivated in Pakistan, India, China, the Mediterranean and European countries. It is much liked.

It has enormous benefits.

1. It is used a lot for colds and colds. It is of great benefit to diseases of        colds and colds.

2. Takes blood pressure down to normal levels .

3. Produces a lot of blood.

4. Enhances the beauty of the body.

5. Anti age.

6. Increases immunity.

7. Increases strength .

8. There is a treasure trove of calcium.

9. Strengthens the heart.

10. Its continuous use eliminates facial grains.

11. Attraction develops in the face. The color begins to turn white.

12. Relieves indigestion.

13. The stomach is far from it.

14. Increases appetite well.

Watermelon Benefits | How to Solve Headache Problem.

This is a well-known every heart dear fruit.Which is produced more in the sandy parts of Pakistan and India and in Afghanistan.

Very dark green ink is inclined fruit .It ranges from one kilo to five kilos, depending on weight and size. The taste is sweet. It is much liked. It is used much more often. Often people consume it in drinks.

It has many advantages.

1. Headache 

There are numerous varieties of cold. Watermelon is extremely useful for headaches caused by heat. Here is the simple recipe to find out the symptoms of heat. That it would be a headache from the heat if the patient is known to be hot from touching his head or complaining of a cold from walking in the sun or sitting near a fire. Use up watermelon syrup in it. Here is the recipe for making which. Drain the watermelon juice in the machine. Add ten grams of sugar to it. Now put it in the fridge. Cool slightly and use it. After drinking it, the headache disorder will disappear.

 2. Cough 

There are many types of coughs. Watermelon syrup is extremely useful for all these varieties. For this, take out the juice of up watermelon. Use it by adding three grams of ginger. This will alleviate the coughing disorder.

3. Heart Weakness 

Take one ten grams of watermelon for weakness of heart. Sift it thoroughly into the water. Now add sugar to it. Mix it again once. Add a little water to it. Now drink this syrup up three times a day . If God wills, you will know the benefit of it in a few days. This will immediately cure heart rate and heart weakness.  

4. Excessive Thirst 

A person who is thirsty again and again. She doesn't quench her thirst even by drinking water over and over again. Watermelon syrup in it is the best thing to do. You can drain the watermelon as desired and fill it into a glass glass. Add a spoonful of lemon juice. Use this up. With its use, the complaint of your thirst will immediately go away.

Turmeric top Amazing Benefits | Scorpions poison Cure without Medicine

Often, when we are sick, there are no hospitals and no medicine shops around us, that we can find relief from our illness. But our Joe is the kitchen . He is a kind of Doctor. We will give you amazing tips for such turmeric. The use of which you will be able to benefit a lot in your life.

1. Abdominal Pain

Most often, abdominal pain begins after eating in people, and this pain is life-threatening. Grind the turmeric in it finely. Use it up with yogurt lentils. Using it will heal your stomach pain within ten minutes, and your digestion will also improve.

2. Scorpions poison

Scorpion poisoning is life-threatening .Which puts the patient to death. If it is not treated immediately, the patient dies. If you've been bitten by a scorpion, and you don't have a hospital around you, do so finely chop the turmeric and make it into a well-lipstick. Apply this cream to the place where the Scorpion has bitten . You will see that shortly after planting it, the effect of this poison on the place where the Scorpion bitten will disappear.The patient's discomfort will also be reduced.

3. The Effect of Opium

Opium is a narcotic. His food causes intoxication if you accidentally eat opium and you get intoxicated. So do it, that the turmeric grind. Make a powder of it. Bring it to a good boil in milk, and add four or five dates to it. Now drink it warm. After a while of drinking it, the effect of opium will immediately disappear.

4. Facial Beauty

Today, people use many creams for facial beauty. Which contains such dangerous chemicals. Which are much too dangerous for the skin. We'll give you a way. The use of which will make your face much more beautiful. Do this, take the turmeric and make it into a fine powder. When the powder of the municipality is formed. Now add Twenty grams of milk to it. Mix it well. When thoroughly mixed, now add the Rose extract and a little honey. Make a designated lab. When sleeping, apply this leap to the face in the morning and leave it on for twenty minutes. Then wash the up face . After a few days of applying it, your face will become baroque.

How to Cure Cough, Colds And Weakness of Sight Without medicine | Turmeric Benefits


Turmeric India Pakistan Bangladesh it is cultivated in Nepal China and other countries .In terms of shape and appearance, it has a yellow shape .


Tasteless happens.

It is used in dry or fresh condition. It has many benefits that are very beneficial for the human body.we'll tell you a few benefits.

Phlegmatic Cough:

Dry the turmeric up for a phlegmatic cough. Grind it finely after drying.

Now add a gram of honey to it. Place it on the tongue and eat it slowly.You will see that its use has relieved phlegmatic cough.

In addition

Grind the up turmeric into a powder form and mix it with honey to form peak-peak tablets. Give each tablet to the patient after ten minutes or twenty minutes. The use of this pill relieves the coughing disorder.


The cold is too cold and add the turmeric to the milk at night and put it on the fire. When the milk is slightly cooked. So you add sugar to it. If you want, add honey. Use it. You will see, drinking this milk causes the cold to recede immediately and you will feel sober and energetic .

Weakness of Sight:

Finely grind the turmeric well for weakness of sight. Store it in a vial. Put a little in the eye at night. His insertion will heal the wound of your eyes and make the weakness of your eyes recur immediately. The light of the eyes will improve further

Top Five Shocking Benefits Of Radish

1. Baldness: 

To remove baldness, wash the radish and take it well. after you have taken it, you should meet it on your head and you should do it for 20 minutes. if you meet it for 20 consecutive days, you will lose baldness and start the hair ego on your head.

2. Obesity:

Take radish seeds to remove obesity. Grind it well .After grinding, add three grams of honey to it and use it. Its continuous use relieves obesity.

3. Beating Scorpions: 

If the Scorpion has to be killed, you should take radish juice. Putting it on top of the Scorpion will immediately kill the Scorpion. If the Scorpion has bitten you, then pouring radish water in this place eliminates Scorpion poison.

4. Crazy dog:

Mad dog bites cause germs to spread a lot in the body. This is a Posing Ding. Which has to be injected to eliminate. But there are also some people who are afraid to get injections. We'll tell you how to do that.  Doing which will not increase the need to inject you and its use will immediately benefit you. Do this by cutting large pieces of radish and adding salt to it as desired.After adding The Salt, tie it up where the dog has doused and let it tie for 30 minutes. Doing so will cause it to poison.

5. Opium: 

To eliminate the effect of opium, drinking two tablespoons of radish water mixed with lemon juice eliminates the effect of opium.