Cause Of Insomnia: Top 3 Insomnia Symptoms - How to solve insomnia Problem

As the population is increasing. People's anxiety is getting worse. One of them is sleep. Sleep is a great blessing of nature.The exhaustion of the day goes away from falling asleep. But the value of this gift is known to the person who is deprived of this gift.

There are many reasons for lack of sleep.

1. Excessive Mobile Use:

Today's young population is using mobile a lot. Blue shoots coming out of the Mobile are much more harmful to the eyes. Which makes a person sleep deprived. He remains awake for a long time.

2. Eating longer:

Many people eat dinner very latte. Which makes the stomach unable to digest it completely. And the lack of digestion reduces our sleep. This increases the stress level. Which has many disadvantages.

  1. Lack of appetite
  2. Male infertility
  3. Defense Force
  4. Weight loss
  5. fatigue
  6. blood pressure
  7. low oxygen in brain

3. Stress:

Stress has become a huge disease of this current era. An estimated 90 persistent people suffer from mental stress.Suffering from too much mental stress, his tissues in a person are weakened. He is forced to think day by day. To get rid of these things, we must exercise daily, or walk 180 steps or 90 steps a day.Which is so much more important to our health. According to one study, walking also reduces the insulin levels in our body and reduces stress levels. A human sleep is very good.


Be Happy:

Be happy.Try to be as happy as possible. Do not pay too much attention to what is around you. But also pay attention to yourself and Excise to be happy. So that your mental stress can be reduced.

Today we will tell people with sleep such a syrup. Drinking which will make you sleep much sooner. 

Coat the green coriander and drain the water.Mix the same amount of sugar as the water and put it on the fire. Prepare the syrup. Keep drinking by adding water daily.This will make you fall asleep much sooner.You will see the use of this syrup has changed your sleep quite a lot after a week.

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