How to Cure Cough, Colds And Weakness of Sight Without medicine | Turmeric Benefits


Turmeric India Pakistan Bangladesh it is cultivated in Nepal China and other countries .In terms of shape and appearance, it has a yellow shape .


Tasteless happens.

It is used in dry or fresh condition. It has many benefits that are very beneficial for the human body.we'll tell you a few benefits.

Phlegmatic Cough:

Dry the turmeric up for a phlegmatic cough. Grind it finely after drying.

Now add a gram of honey to it. Place it on the tongue and eat it slowly.You will see that its use has relieved phlegmatic cough.

In addition

Grind the up turmeric into a powder form and mix it with honey to form peak-peak tablets. Give each tablet to the patient after ten minutes or twenty minutes. The use of this pill relieves the coughing disorder.


The cold is too cold and add the turmeric to the milk at night and put it on the fire. When the milk is slightly cooked. So you add sugar to it. If you want, add honey. Use it. You will see, drinking this milk causes the cold to recede immediately and you will feel sober and energetic .

Weakness of Sight:

Finely grind the turmeric well for weakness of sight. Store it in a vial. Put a little in the eye at night. His insertion will heal the wound of your eyes and make the weakness of your eyes recur immediately. The light of the eyes will improve further

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